Le festival des sculptures sur sable à Saint-Raphaël
13 octobre 2023
The kings of the sand castle
Creating stunning sand sculptures requires technique, patience, and hard work. These sculptors have mastered the art of building towering sand monuments, and their creations are nothing short of breathtaking.
A precise process
To create the majestic lion sculpture, the sculptors use a clever technique involving saltwater. They first sprinkle salt onto the sand, and then add a layer of water. As the water evaporates, the salt crystallizes and binds the sand together. This meticulous process is what gives the sand its cohesive quality, and it is truly a work of precision and skill.
Admiration from all
The ability to sculpt such intricate sand creations is a talent that garners immense admiration from people of all ages. It requires a great deal of patience and hard work, and not everyone possesses these qualities. The final result is truly magnificent, and it is definitely worth stopping by to witness these fascinating sculptures firsthand. Personally, I am in awe of their talent and would not be able to accomplish something of this caliber myself.
A unique art form
Sand sculpting has been a passion for one of the artists for the past 14 years. It is an art form that is quite unique and different from what we usually find in museums. However, it has gained tremendous popularity among the public. Everyone has tried building a sand castle at some point in their lives, only to realize how challenging it can be to make it stay intact. Building sculptures, especially monumental ones like these, presents an even greater difficulty. The level of skill and precision required is truly admirable.
Environmental awareness
In addition to the incredible sand sculptures, there are also workshops for children centered around the theme of the environment. The children are taught how to create their own sand sculptures, and their focus and enthusiasm are evident as they meticulously mold their creations. These workshops provide an excellent opportunity for the children to both learn and have fun.
A timeless experience
The sand sculptures and workshops are available for viewing and participation until April 29th. Even in the event of rain, there is no need to panic – these artworks are built to withstand various weather conditions. So, visitors can enjoy the exhibits and activities without worry.
In conclusion, witnessing the creation of these sand sculptures is truly a remarkable experience. The talent and skill of these artists are evident in every detail. From the meticulous process of building the sculptures to the awe-inspiring final result, it is impossible not to be impressed by their work. Whether you are an adult marveling at their talent or a child captivated by the magic of sand sculpting, this event offers something for everyone. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to be amazed by these incredible sand creations before they are gone.
Source : France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | Date : 2023-04-20 14:49:38 | Durée : 00:01:55
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